Uncommon art 2023
Saturday, August 5
Main Street, Goffstown NH

R Bruce Wood

With our thanks
From our "Incredible Brainstorming Potluck" in February, to showtime in August, the Uncommon Art Committee (aka The Commission) was hard at work to get this great art show tradition off the ground and become a great source of pride with our amazing artists, authors and crafters, as well as our community at large.
Huge thanks goes to the members of The Commission: Christine Andrews, Nina Duval, Nicki French, Tammy Gross, Linda Kinville, Joann Olson, Yvonne Walton, as well as our Main Street Board representative, Tina Lawton. Without their wisdom, input and Herculean efforts, none of it would have happened (or at least as amazingly).
A big round of applause to our Show Sponsors:
(Wyeth Level) Tiffany's Café & Catering
(O'Keeffe Level) Berg Ink LLC, and The Village Trestle
(Rockwell Level) Edward Jones/Gregg Flegal, Nicki French Fine Art Photography, 4:44 Candle Company, Cauldron Brewed Soaps, Gallery of Frames, Sully's, Namaste Montessori, and NRDuval Creation.
Also, to our Business Donors: Goffstown Ace Hardware, Lost Page Found, Ray Street Pizza, Cauldron Brewed Soaps, Berg Ink, Gallery of Frames, Goffstown Green Thumb Garden Center, Night Owl Quilting Studio, Putnam's Waterview Restaurant, Sawyer's Main Street Breakfast & Function Hall, North Garden, and Apotheca. All your contributions are so deeply appreciated. THANK YOU!
To the Goffstown Main Street Program: without their partnership throughout these 15 years, quite simply, there would be no show. Thank you so, so much for everything you give to our community!
To all the VOLUNTEERS who helped us pull this off and their invaluable service: you all ROCK! Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!
Thank you to the wonderful Main Street Land Owners & Businesses, Goffstown Congregational Church, and the Town of Goffstown for allowing us to use their properties to host our show!!
And let's not forget those who hosted our special tents.
Tiffany's Cafe & Catering: Tiffany, Grace, & Michelle who did a marvelous job running the Kids Craft Tent. The kids painted lots of neat rocks and the homemade cookies and Rice Krispie treats from Tiffany's were delicious! Thank you so much!
There's also the GHS Student Art Tent, featuring the work of the Art Club and a few very talented student artists! A huge thanks to art teacher (who coordinated the effort with us), Tiffany Ferretti, and the young artists for spending the day with us! Their space was graciously donated by Christine Andrews.
Our fabulous Rotary Club provided refreshments to our show guests at Rotary Park. Muchas gracias to Robbie Grady and all the awesome Rotary Club folks who worked the refreshment stand.
And lastly, our Uncommon Art Raffle Tent, which was wonderfully successful in its second year. Much gratitude to Tammy Gross who spearheaded the effort and just did an amazing job keeping things running smoothly. Also a big thanks to Aimee Duval, Scott & Molly Gross, and Tom Wright for all their help with this endeavor.
Thanks also to our OUTSTANDING GUESTS for visiting us. Your patronage makes all of this worthwhile! It is OUR pleasure to serve you. We hope you enjoyed this year's show and hope to see you back at many more!
The biggest THANK YOU goes to this year's Participating Artists: Christine Andrews, Katey Ann Avedisian, Eileen Belanger, Sandi Bixler, Lauren Boisvert, Jessica Browne, Marilyn Bullek, Brian Campbell, Karen Craven, Crawford Star Design, Patricia Crowley, James Cryan, Lisa Cuipa, Jason Davini, Jay Davini, Gin Demers, Melissa Desrosiers, Lynne Dodson/Meadowbrook Jewelry, Nina Duval/NRDuval Creation, Nanci Fletcher, Mindy Forest, Myke French/Dream Time Mineral Collection, Nicki French/Nicki French Fine Art Photography, GHS Art Club & Art Students, Tina Gagnon, Anne Gaiero, Jo Grubman, James Hallene, Catherine Hill, Linda Kinville, Ryan Morin/Night Owl Rustics, Kim Mullen, Joann Olson/Gallery of Frames, Sara Petipas, LeighAnne Richardson, Ingeborg Seaboyer, Dana Selliken, Sally Jo Shaw/Rock Your Art Out, Joseph Sweeney, Lori Sweeney, Jane Grant Tentas, Trades of Hope, Tony Tremblay, Yvonne Walton, R Bruce Wood, and Zinnia & Birch
You all are the very reason for hosting this show - we are most honored to do so every year.
And finally, to our Artist Raffle Tent Donors: Christine Andrews, Eileen Belanger, Marilyn Bullek, Brian Campbell, Sue Cannella, Jay Davini, Virginia Demers, Melissa Desrosiers, Lynne Dodson, Nina Duval, Nanci Fletcher, Mindy Forest, Myke French, Nicki French, Anne Gaiero, Jim Hallene, Catherine Hill, Linda Kinville, Joann Olson, Sara Petipas, Inge Seaboyer, Dana Selliken, Sally Jo Shaw, Joe Sweeney, Jane Tentas, Tony Tremblay, Yvonne Walton, Bruce Wood. We are so very grateful for your generosity!